Our Lenten Season begins with Ash Wednesday and the priest's invitation to all present to "observe a holy Lent by self-examination, penitence, prayer, fasting and almsgiving (giving to those in need) and by reading and meditating on the word of God."
This Lent I decided to offer a short weekly reflection on promises we make in baptism as it relates to our relationship with God and our discipleship. The reflection and questions will also be in the weekly church bulletin. The following is the reflection for Sunday February 22, the First Sunday in Lent 2015.
you continue in the Apostles’ teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread
and in the prayer?
This is the first of the 6 promises in the
baptismal covenant after we affirm our belief in the Trinity using the words of
the Apostles Creed. Each of the following questions is answered the same way, “I
will with God’s help,” a recognition that we can none of it on our own but only
with God’s help. This first promise reminds of our historical roots, the
importance of them and of coming back to them in helping us to follow Jesus.
This first promise also speaks of the importance of community. As much as
someone can argue they can be a Christian on their own, Jesus calls us his
follower to live in community with one another just has he lived in community
with others and the Trinity itself is a community.
Questions for Reflection:
1. What do you value most about being part of
a community of faith, both in the congregation and in the wider Christian
Community? How does community help you to know and draw closer to God?
2. How have you sought to build community with
people who are different from you? What do you need to do differently to build
or strengthen those relationships? How serves God by offering community to
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